Invitational Faithfulness and GK Chesterton
Invitation helps the Christian develop one of the fruits of the spirit, faithfulness or trustworthiness. “I am not going to church it’s full of hypocrites” says the occasional person when confronted with the opportunity of being invited to church. Hypocrisy is a practical inconsistency in applying one’s supposed values. In many churches around the world I have encountered Churchianity rather than Christianity. GK Chesterton said “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and not tried.” It seems invitation reveals hypocrisy but can lead us to faithfulness and trustworthiness
Once we are faced with invitation as a possible act of worship, we question what are we inviting people to? Are we being faithful to the commands of Jesus? The faithfulness to go and make disciples, becomes apparent in the way that we act, not just what we say. For faithfulness to emerge the Christian needs to Study, Practice and Teach. Invitation is the practice, study is the fascination and hunger for relationship with God and teach, is the explanation of our practice and study. When we take our Christian lives seriously through the simple step of invitation by studying, practising and teaching, we will find the fruit of faithfulness and trustworthiness emerging.
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