
Never give up on Invitation

You take a little seed, plant it, water it, and fertilise it for a whole year, and nothing happens

The second year you water it and fertilise it, and nothing happens

The third year you water it and fertilise it, and nothing happens. How discouraging this becomes!

The fourth year you water it and fertilise it, and nothing happens. This is very frustating

The fifth year you continue to water and fertilise the seed and then…take note. Sometime during the fifth year, the Chinese bamboo tree spouts and grows NINETY FEET IN SIX WEEK

So did the bamboo tree grow 90 feet tall in 6 weeks or five years? It grows 90 feet tall in five years, because if at anytime had the person stopped watering, fertilising and nurturing the dream of a tree, the tree would have died in the ground.

Invitation is much akin to the growing process of the Chinese bamboo tree.

It is often discouraging. We invite people and get turned down several times, and nothing happens

But for those who continue to invite and are not discouraged and are persistent, things will eventually happen.

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